News & Updates
Since our Founder’s release in November 2023, he has…
Launched this website in March 2024, reaching over a thousand new visitors to date
Invested approximately $7,000 into the Stand 4 Count initiative (of his own funds)
Supported 12 incarcerated men with food, hygiene products, clothes, video communications, and telecommunications
Assisted incarcerated persons with communicating with landlords, attorneys, and family
Been a guest speaker at the Valley Justice Coalition
Been a guest speaker at James Madison University
Been a guest speaker at the Rotary Club of Harrisonburg
Received invitations for future speaking engagements at two local community forums
Become a member of the Public Education Steering Committee of The Humanization Project - an effort “to humanize the lives of those of behind bars in the eyes of the world by strengthening public understanding and encouraging compassion.”
Recommended and under the consideration process for a board of directors position at a flagship nonprofit organization in Harrisonburg
Jail Keep Fees Shift Costs to Impoverished Communities
Local Daily News-Record newspaper published a S4C opinion piece on unjust jail policies (click to download PDF version).
Man Addresses Rotary About Prison Ministry
Local Daily News-Record newspaper published a story on S4C talk to local Rotary Club (click to download PDF version)
Weighing the evidenced of faith-based prison ministry outcomes
Local Daily News-Record newspaper published a S4C opinion piece on faith-based prison ministries (click to download PDF version)
Contact us to learn more about how you can help and how to participate.